by VENBA….
by AVID…
“Porn” – It is a head turning word of most guys in the
current tech world and also it is a virtual world in which we all use to
satisfy our personal desires. Even now-a-days, many people used to say as
watching porn is far better option than doing sex with a real person due to
benefits including the freedom from sexual diseases and most importantly cost-effective.
But, do they really realize the other impacts of watching porn?
I recently came across this very informative Ted video “Why I
stopped watching porn” by Ran Gavrieli. After watching, it made me to think
very much about watching porn and its’ impacts. In this video, he talked more about
the straight porn's and the general impacts of watching them even once in a
week time. Across the world, more porn videos are watched by men. Since we are
happened to be gays :) and also gay porn's are pretty dominant among our
community. After watching that video, I have developed my own views on the personal
& social impacts of watching gay porn among our community. I have no regrets
in saying “I am also one of the happening victims of these impacts”.

We all know that “Planet Romeo” is currently our major place to
get exposed with gays. On our daily routine, we are seeing many complaints against
PR saying its’ a hooker site i.e., most of the people in PR are for sex only or
in other simple words, I can say “fuck and forget type”. Have anyone of you thought
that why these most dominant crowd in PR are for only one night stands? Now I
am getting the simple result. It is all because of the back effects of watching
this gay porn. After watching nice gay porn, he got sexually aroused very much at
that moment. At this moment, what can he do? He is simply login into his PR account
with his mind full of finding a guy to satisfy that particular moment desire
only. At that moment, his mind would not think anything other than sex and so you
cannot talk about any non-sexual topics. Now, you can understand the
effect of porn completely i.e., it completely took over his mind
psychologically to think about only sex sex sex. After noting this, whom should
we blame, the porn or the guy? We happen to blame or becoming the victim of it,
by not even aware of it.
Porns’ make us to believe what we are doing is not real sex but
what they are showing in the screen is real sex. So it makes us to act in bed
whatever the porn stars act in those videos, rather than what we are
comfortable naturally to do. So it forms a lot of expectation about the
partners. But in real life, when one does not meet with those expectations, they
eventually find that person is not attractive and moves onto another person expecting
the same. It polishes our minds that those whom are indulging in intercourse are
getting the fulfilment in complete sexual act and others will never get. In
this real intercourse, the dominant type of sexual act never cares about the
pain or value of other person. And I strongly believe that through these porns
only, we must have got these three famous gay classification terms: Top,
Bottom & Versatile. Porn creates complex over people to explore with
others by comparing their physical qualities with others. And it goes on goes
on until they realize the real scenario that no porn is showing the real romantic
sex but it’s just the intercourse. Those People who don't realize these shortly
will automatically ends up in depression and start quarrelling with their
sexual partners. Ultimately, the porn are deviating our minds to have multiple
sexual partners rather than a ‘single’ sensible life partner. It even stimulates
young gays to get into prostitution and many other bad things.
In most of the porns’, the guys are more dominant, abusive &
disrespectful in their acts. Watching these porns makes our mind to expect the
dominant partners not only in bed but also in real life. According to porn, a valuable
partner does not related anywhere to being sensual, passionate, attentive, generous,
well co-ordinate and also any other good qualities. It makes us to imagine our
partner should supposed to be very young with good looking, gym toned body, attractive
hair styles, etc. In addition to these, they should have a large penis and spend
more fucking time in bed, which most of us don’t possess naturally. It is
indirectly or directly create a lot expectations in our mind about how our
partners (life or sexual) supposed to be. Even it blankets our mind just to visualize
the attractive features instead of the real quality of a person. Now we can understand
how it is directly impacting and changing our ideas and process of selecting our
life partners. Have you heard these lines “Don’t matter how you feel, it
only matters how you look”? These lines are from the the singles “Mama’s
broken heart” by Miranda Lambert. So it matters how you look? To get those attractive
features by instant, guys go crazy with all the instant protein supplements,
chemical hair styles etc which on long run, just backfire them with many health

By longer run or even shorter run, the effects of watching porn
psychologically affects our thoughts and views about guys as well as choosing our
life partners. We are all have many wonderful guys near us whom we all might have
rejected by simply quoting “he is not my type!”. But have you realized where we
are getting these thoughts in our mind to say “Who is my type and who is not?”.
It’s all from the images of men whom we seen and desired in those porn videos.
So the next time when you are saying ‘No’ to some real sensible guy who is not
attractive according to your standards, just think twice and say it because all
the beauty’s are not gold!