Count your blessings
To all the ever - complaining and highly demanding souls,
Life has given too many reasons to cheer up and yet you like to wail and weep. Spend some time to read this article and introspect later.
1. Be happy because you are not born before 1970 when being Gay is considered as a Psychiatric condition and was given cannibalistic treatments. Of course, some continue to practice it nowadays too but then the larger medical fraternity have approved Gays to be perfectly normal human beings by 1970 itself. Imagine the plight of Gays before that period. Tortured, publicly humiliated and killed (all considered ethical in that period even by scientific minds). That approval given in 1970 have changed the universal perspective about Gays. Today when you are considered as normal at least by few, don't you feel grateful?
2. Do you know what is the first term that was coined to describe AIDS? It is GRID. In 1982 scientists termed the diseased caused by HIV as GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency) because it was widely believed that HIV started and spread only through homosexual behavior. Imagine the discrimination faced by Gays then. But thank God (or for that matter some genuine scientists) who replaced the term GRID with AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) by the end of 1982 itself. Had it not been for their sincere efforts we would all now be given a mass death sentence by the society. Cheer up morons. We are no longer blamed as the monopolists for the spread of AIDS.
3. Imagine the generation without Internet. Most of them never had an idea even about the term Gay. No one had the idea that a love or relationship or even a date is possible between two men. That generation was fully based on casual, random and anonymous encounters. They never had the idea of the terms and lingos we now use in Gay world. None of them had the courage to come out. Even the pure gays were forced into marriages with some men committing suicides for reasons unknown to others. What do you think had revolutionized the coming out of millions of Gays? Had it not been for internet the lives of gays worldwide would still be in cavemen age. Come on buddies. You are given internet in your hands. You can identify you are a gay. You have ideas that a relationship is possible and you have avenues to establish it. Still you grumble? Imagine a day without Planetromeo or Facebook or any of the Gay sites. What will be your plight?
4. Ever imagined that NGOs for Gays would be a reality in India? Stand up. We had several Gay prides in the now - conservative India (tolerant in Kamasutra days). Gays get together and express their feelings. There are people to talk about Gays. There are people who spread awareness among general public. There are people who even offer legal help. And finally there are some people who organize parties, offer employment opportunities and matrimonial services too. Anyway. All of them have contributed something or the other to the Gay community. Now you have Gay NGOs at rural areas too. Still you would like to slumber in your negative thoughts?
5. Ever thought that a High Court in India would decriminalize Sec. 377? It happened too. You might counter - argue that it had been struck down by Supreme Court recently. Forget it. Anyway the matter which was largely shied away by the Indian Judiciary is now finally taken up for consideration. The fight is going on. Something positive would happen. Even if nothing happens don't worry. The fight will continue. Till then no one is going to harm you. Do you know when Sec. 377 is used against Gays? Only when you indulge in something like a group sex in an apartment, approaching an anonymous person for sex without even knowing his orientation, child sex abuse, organizing parties without police permission, indulge in immoral activities in public etc., If you avoid such immoral practices you are practically immune to Sec. 377. Even though a medical examination is required to establish a carnal sexual activity for prosecution under Sec. 377, majority of the police authorities just take view of the public immoralities alone to harass Gays. A gay with morality and ethics need not have 1000 worries about 377.
6. A generation of Canada settlers. Sweet stories of Gay couple from India getting married and settled in Canada. Happens in India too even though not legally. Many couples are still continuing their genuine relationships amongst the hardships in India. Out to their families. Out in few MNCs which have LGBT support groups even in their offices in India. Out to the society sometimes. People have braved the odds and shown you that you can live as a Gay couple even in India itself. So the next time you think that you need a Passport and a job in Canada to settle as a Gay, think again. Look at the brave smile of Indian couples married and settled near you. All those critics who laughed at the possibility of two men living together and loving each other are being written off each day.

7. Still feeling down? Ever thought about the physically challenged Gays? Do you ever think how they express their sexual orientation? When even a straight marriage is considered near impossible for the physically challenged individuals, do you think that it is possible for them to come out as Gays? Do you know how such physically challenged individuals are sexually abused by others? I recently came across the story of an arrogant bisexual top who had written with pride about how he treated a physically challenged person (Polio affected) as a bottom. Disgusting, right? He may be physically challenged but he could be top too. But they are not given any choice. I personally feel sorry for them every day and pray that they should get good ones in their life. The next time you wanna complain about the failures or pains in your Gay life just think about these people. Not only the physically challenged but the socially challenged too. Gays in villages who never have any idea about the existence of gay love and relationship and are instead forced into unsuccessful bisexual lives; daily wages laborers; platform dwellers etc.,
There are millions of such socially disadvantaged gays around you. If they complain, I see a reason. But when you, yes, You, the one who is reading this article, the one who is blessed on many accounts; when you fail to recognize the blessings in your life and complain then what shall I say?
Count your blessings my dear brothers. There are many positives in your lives for which you should be proud of and thankful every day!
I have counted the number of blessings which we got until 2014 Mr. John Paul. I am really proud of getting these blessings from the sacrifice of our (gay) elders. Even though we got these much blessings, we cannot be idle. Because still we need to cross a number of hurdles for the welfare of our (gay) juniors.
ReplyDeleteI can surely say that bisexual top who mistreated the physically challenged might be a mentally challenged... What else can I say???
I didn't mean that we should be idle. The point I wished to make is that we should stop worrying and complaing and instead move forward with a positive note.
DeleteActually, I don't mean that. I just stressed it for all of us that we should not be lethargic since we got these blessings.
DeleteThat's a good point. I appreciate it Avid.
DeleteNice posting..! ரொம்பவே consoling!!
ReplyDeleteThis is not about consolation. It's for a positive attitude creation to survive in struggling times.
DeleteThese might appear obvious to anyone who reads it but most often we tend to ignore the obvious blessings. Very well listed. I believe most complaining is coz some dont really have the blessing to know how to use these other blessings. Some of us just over exploit it and whine later. A good article and I am definitely suggesting to the next complaining soul i come across.
ReplyDeleteYou're right Manoj Kiran. Many people don't have the blessing to see even their own blessings.
Deletenice words...sure the reader get confident...